About Somuna graphic for dark background

Why Somuna exists

The main aim of Somuna is to support the planet and vulnerable life that otherwise can’t defend itself.

At Somuna, we are aiming to achieve this by helping organizations that make a positive difference in the world, to make a bigger impact through online growth and improving their appeal.

We occasionally work with commercial clients because it helps to support our work.


Somuna's origins

‘Somuna’ is derived from ‘som una’, which literally means ‘we are one’ (in Catalan).   In our view, we are all in this together.  Everything we do and every decision we make affects the planet, each other. and nature, for better or worse.  We are here in this life for a short time.  It passes quickly.  We want to achieve something positive with our time and open our door to organizations and people who think and feel the same.


Like most people, we at Somuna admire the heroic effort that goes into causes protecting vulnerable life, from supporting the environment and wildlife to humanitarian and mental health efforts. 

What we do

We appreciate that for many organizations, online growth is yet another challenge on an already enormous pile.  It can also be pretty overwhelming.  Succeeding requires skills, learning, and time. There’s so much information online which can make it difficult to know who to trust and where to even start.  That is all essential groundwork to any successful online growth strategy.


Somuna guides organizations through a simple process.  We focus on the right things first, removing the time-draining complicated stuff that causes overwhelm for so many.


We carefully consider the charities we approach, qualifying them on strict criteria. That’s because we want to be confident that the work resulting from our services will positively contribute to defending the environment or protecting vulnerable life, and not benefit green-washers and other bad actors.  We are open to working with orphanages, refugee camps, homeless shelters, the elderly, terminally ill, wildlife causes, marine conservation efforts, holistic coaches, mental health coaches, yoga retreats, meditation and mindfulness professionals.  


If in doubt, reach out via the button below.  If you do something positive, and need help growing online, Somuna is the ideal partner to guide you there.

For Marketing Professionals

Hi there, 


Thanks for checking this out!


If you made it this far you might just well be a like-minded marketer who wants to put their powers to good use. If that’s the case, we’d love to hear from you.  We embrace other professionals who want to use their powers to help good causes, with whatever time they can commit on a consistent basis. 


If you are interested in making an impact in the world, through helping organizations that support vulnerable people, wildlife and the environment, then please get in touch.



John Anderson – Founder