Website Speed & Health

Keep visitors on your site and improve ROI through a fast and smooth online Experience.

Improve ROI on all of your marketing.

Ensuring Smooth Online Experiences

At Somuna, we understand the importance of providing a seamless online experience to your audience. Slow page loading times and technical issues can be frustrating for visitors and hinder your website’s ability to make a meaningful impact.  We combat this by auditing your website and ensuring smooth navigation, speed and technical health.

‘John changed our site speed from slow to lightning fast'
Katrine Rasmussen CM Pixelz Inc
Katrine Rasmussen
CMO, Pixelz Inc

Slow Page Loading Times are Harmful.

Did you know that a mere second delay in page loading can result in a significant drop in engagement and conversions? In today’s fast-paced digital world, users expect websites to load quickly and deliver content promptly. By optimizing your page loading times, we ensure that your visitors can access your message without any unnecessary delays.

Our Approach to Optimizing Page Loading Times

  1. Comprehensive Website Audit: Our experienced team at Somuna conducts a thorough Site Speed Audit to identify any factors that may be impacting your page loading times. We examine various elements, such as image size, browser caching, code optimization, and server configurations, to pinpoint areas of improvement.
  2. Image and File Optimization: Images and other media files are often culprits in slowing down page loading times. We optimize your images, compressing file sizes while maintaining visual quality. Additionally, we optimize the coding and formatting of other files on your website, reducing their file size and enhancing overall performance.
  3. Caching and Content Delivery Network (CDN): Leveraging advanced caching techniques and Content Delivery Networks, we ensure that your website’s static content, such as images and scripts, is served to your visitors from servers located closer to their geographic location. This reduces latency and significantly improves page loading times.
  4. Code Optimization and Minification: Bloated and unoptimized code can weigh down your website’s performance. Our experts carefully analyze and optimize your website’s code, removing any unnecessary elements and minimizing file sizes. This results in faster loading times and improved overall performance.

Ensuring Technical Health

In addition to optimizing page loading times, it’s crucial to ensure the technical health of your website. Technical issues can negatively impact user experience, hinder visibility in search engines, and even pose security risks. Our team at Somuna is committed to keeping your website running smoothly and securely.

Our Approach to Ensuring Technical Health

  1. Website Security and Updates: Regular security audits and timely updates are essential to safeguard your website against potential threats. We ensure that your website is secure, up to date, and protected against vulnerabilities and malware.
  2. Mobile Responsiveness: With an increasing number of people accessing the internet through mobile devices, websites need to display correctly on those devices. We optimize your website to provide a seamless experience across all screen sizes, ensuring that your message is accessible to everyone.
  3. Website Monitoring and Maintenance: Our team provides ongoing website monitoring and maintenance to identify and resolve any technical issues promptly. We keep a close eye on your website’s performance, ensuring that it continues to run smoothly and efficiently.
  4. Technical SEO Optimization: Technical aspects, such as XML sitemaps, robots.txt files, and structured data, play a crucial role in improving search engine visibility. We optimize these elements to ensure that your website is easily discoverable by search engines, driving organic traffic to your cause.

Our Commitment to Your Cause

At Somuna, we are aligned with organizations that strive to make a positive impact in the world. We see ourselves as your guide to online growth, supporting you and simplifying the complexities of online growth. Our commitment to technical excellence and everything else we do, is rooted in the shared responsibility to create a better world.



Let us optimize your website’s page loading times and ensure its technical health, freeing up some time and headspace for you to focus on other things. 


Leave your websites slow days behind